My Grandaughter!

Brelynn was just picked for a competition Soccer team! Whoo hoo!!!! She is such an awesome athlete to be only 9 years old.. I am so proud of her! I'm proud of all my kids and grandkids.. I am so glad their Mom's get them involved in sports and activities.. In todays world it breaks my heart to see a kid sit behind a DS or computer games, don't get me wrong mine do that too, but I am glad to see them outside playing and getting exercise, like we did when we were small...


Sherine said...

Yeah for Brelynn!! It's so good when good things happen to good kids!

Gaspegirl said...

Congratulations to your granddaughter... I agree with the "old fashion" upbringing of children too ;) My kids feel like being in the house is a punishment - lol!

Unknown said...

Congrats to her!!! It's great to hear about kids in sports!!

p.s. I tagged you, you have to go look at my blog:

Nancywithajones said...