Please Pray

Those of you that know me Know that my Middle daughter Brooke is pregnant with her second baby, My fifth Grandbaby...

The baby isn't doing very well... the Ultra sound showed the baby did not have any fluid around him.. which means there may be a problem with his Kidneys...

She is going to a specialist tomorrow to see if anything can be done to save the baby. She is 17 weeks now, and we hope the baby will make it.

Please pray that this doctor can tell us something and the baby will be ok.


liz mataraza said...

my thoughts and prayers are with that sweet little baby.

Sherine said...

Oh, Jan I am sorry you are gong through this. Praying for your daughter, the baby and your family. Hugs to you.

Susie said...

Jan, I will be praying for your daughter and the baby and also for you! God is still in the miracle business!! God is GOOD!!!

Nancywithajones said...

girl you know my heart is with yall and my prayers with brooke and I keep noticeing you saying HE... so IM hoping that is the little boy we wanted????
PRAYING FOR them and yall. let me know the second you hear more.