
Jun 18

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted last..So many things going on in my life right now, my grandson's birthday party is today. They have been in Florida seeing his Granddaddy..I talked to him on the phone tonight, and he sang me happy birthday...LOL he's 2.. He saw the grinch, and the cat in the hat and many more in Florida at Universal Studios...Thats where his Granddaddy works..
I have been sewing for other people.. It keeps me busy since my last baby flew the coop...
Well I guess thats all for now.

My Baby's Owl Hat

Nov 10

My youngest child Brittney, although married, is still my baby! She loves owls. So I decided to crochet her an owl hat. I have not crocheted or knitted since I was young, my Mamaw Smith taught me when I would stay with her in Memphis during the summer..God I loved those summers with her. Everytime I would come, she would teach me a different craft. I think sometimes she would learn how to do something all year. just so she could teach me.

Ok back to the hat. So after watching on how to crochet a hat..:) It started coming back to me..LOL It may not be perfect, but my 20 year old baby NOW has an owl hat! I hope you like it sweetie!

I have begun!

Sep 16

Finally I have listed a few items on Facebook..Etsy will have to wait a little while longer. I have been really busy sewing bibs and burp cloths and pacifier straps... I will make more things everyday and post them..

Wyatt's painting

Aug 26

I made this for my newest baby boy "Wyatt"...

New Adventure

Aug 23

For a while now I have been throwing around the idea of starting my own Etsy shop.
My daughter is having her third baby soon, and I have realized that all the shower gifts and special little things that go along with having new babies at home, are things I could make myself.. So starting next month. which isn't that far from now, I will begin my new adventure. I am really excited about getting started. I need to take a week and make up samples of all the things I will have in my shop. I hope I will be able to make a go of it. I will be doing something I really love to do.
The name of my etsy shop can be found at I said before, give me a few weeks and I will have my shop open and ready for business!

Brittney's Now Married!

Jul 11

My baby girl was married Saturday July 10th. Our wonderful photographer has posted one of her photo's for us....

My "Handsome" grandaughter...

Jun 26

I was in my craft room, reading my messages..I heard Brelynn come in but didn't look up. Finally she sat on the couch and asked what's for supper and I almost chocked on my drink... I grabbed the camera and she posed, and then said erase it Mamaw..I pretended like I did...LOL I am in soooo much trouble.........Bwhahahahahah

My Over Posers

Jun 26

This was "The Color Room" Challenge. My colors might not be right on, due to a glue splat problem...LOL

Captain Adorable

Jun 21

Did someone call for Captain Adorable?

I'm on my way!

Able to leap small animals in a single wobble!

Another job finished!


May 11

I took this picture at Brittney's bridal shower...
I used The Color Room Challenge.
I made my photo black & white so it could be used with this color scheme..Britt's dress was blue and Brandy and Brooke had on black dresses..LOL

My Little Helper

May 03

I got so tickled at this baby trying to help Brittney get her clothes out of the dryer..I couldn't hardly take these pictures!

This Face

May 02

These pictures were taken back in October...I love this Face!!!

Lets Go

Apr 29

That is what it seemed like he was saying, waiting for me to ride him around on the golf cart! Even though it was warm outside, I had to put his hat on..He had an ear infection, which didn't stop him at all..LOL.. He is getting tubes put in tomorrow...YEAH No more hats!!!

The Color Room Palette #3

Apr 27

The Color Room

Apr 21

This is a layout I did for The Color Room challenge.. I love the fact you can use your old stash...

My Scrap Room

Mar 23

I Adore You

Mar 23

I did this layout for a challenge going on over at here

Adorn It Lapreal

Jan 27

Just a few layouts with the February Kit from Scrapbook Obsessions....


Jan 02

This is made from the January 2010 kit at Scrapbook Obsessions...

Adorn It Lapreal

Dec 31

Scrapbook Obsessions February kit ROCKS!!!!!