Pure Boredom

I call this layout "Pure Boredom"... It was one of those days in Febuary 07, when it was chilly outside, and nothing left to do inside...I wanted to scrap but could not for the life of me get motivated... So I took a piece of white cardstock and placed a picture of my house right in the center, and started writing and doodling all over it.. I really don't like it much, but I kept it mainly because some of the things I wrote is how I felt on that given day and of course I don't usually take pictures of my house...The reason I am posting it today, is so I can at least blog something...Aint I stoopid.....LOL I told ya it was little!!!!!!!


BabyBokChoy said...

I think that is a good idea Jan!! a very great way to document a moment in time!! I like that idea a LOT!

Anonymous said...

Lordy Lordy... for one your not stupid woman.. you always create great works of art :) and two it's always fun to have documentation of things you love and enjoy at certain times. I think that is what scrapping is about, to have those memories :) Keep them coming because you know I check your page, like, EVERYDAY.. haha looking for signs of life from back home :) Your page keeps me feeling like I am close to home :)

Patti Smith said...

Girlfriend not stupid at all...I feel the same way, I love my house to ...I lived in a not so happy house for alot of years and now I live in a Happy house so I love this layout...it is what scrappin' is all about..this is what your grandkids will remember...I might just have to do me one of these!!
xoxo, patti

Nancywithajones said...

I think it is precious. and very creative thank you very much! and you are far from stupid too!